How to get volume in your hair
May 8, 2012step by step from ladies night on how to get volume in your hair.
Things you’ll need:
1-round brush
a dozen velcro rollers
step 1:Apply one pump of N.4 blowdry lotion and one pump of N.4 support solution to towel dried hair (70% dry). Comb hair out so it’s nice a smooth.
step 2:take those two clips and section out the back of your hair. The secret is keeping everything nice and neat. It may take a little longer your first time but as time goes on you’ll whip it out in no time.
step 3:start with the back section. You can section the whole bottom half section into two sections, the right and the left. Start blow drying. Keep the blow-dryer above the hair working the air away from the scalp. This closes the follicles and gives your hair that amazing shine.
step 4:When each section is completely dry, wrap hair in one of your velcro rollers. If it doesn’t feel secure fasten it with a bobby pin. Work your way up to the crown. Then work the sides in the same fashion.
step 5:You should now be left with a mohawk section at the top of your head. This is where your going to want to most volume. You can take it in 3 to 4 sections depending on how thick your hair is. Start at the back section, you want to pull that hair straight up and blow it til completely dry. As soon as it’s dry wrap it around that roller. You want all the sections to still be warm when wrapping it in the rollers. When wrapped they will cool down and set in each roller. Repeat for your last few sections.
step 6:Do your make-up, brush your teeth, do any last minute outfit changes. All the sections need to cool down. If your running out of time you can hit air with the cool button on your blow-dryer.
Step 7:Spay with N 4 Mighty Hair Spray. Remove all the rollers, flip your hair and your ready to hit the town.
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